For the last few years, the specific approach to psychological and relational problems known as coaching has spread to Italy. This combination of techniques mainly (but not only) targets the world of companies, and of professional and productive relations. The Therapia Breve Strategica (Brief Strategic Therapy) was elaborated and diffused in our country by Giorgio Nardone, based on strategic auto-deceit, the attempted redundant solution, the strategic dialogue and the recourse to «stratagems». Following Nardone’s footsteps, the two authors propose a new approach to coaching, demonstrating their ideas’ validity both from a theoretic standpoint, and through a series of specific case studies. Just as in cases of psychiatric pathologies and various forms of psychological issues, «strategic» coaching also focuses on finding a solution to problems rather than searching for their cause. In other words, it aims at finding a sound – and surprising – mutation of the dynamics of relationships and communications. This change in perspective is the fundamental basis to every coach’s discipline: to make people’s talents emerge, transforming their limits into precious creative and productive resources.
Detalles de eBook
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Idioma official
Italian -
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Contador de páginas
192 -
Sobre el autor
Roberta Milanese
Roberta Milanese, psicologa e psicoterapeuta, è ricercatore associato presso il Centro di Terapia Strategica di Arezzo, diretto da Giorgio Nardone, e docente della Scuola di specializzazione in Psicoterapia Breve Strategica. È responsabile organizzativo del Master in Comunicazione Strategica, Problem Solving, Coaching, e Scienza della Performance di Milano, dove vive e lavora. Ha pubblicato con Ponte alle Grazie: La mente ferita; Coaching strategico; Il tocco, il rimedio, la parola; Cambiare il passato; Psicopillole; Il cambiamento strategico; L'ingannevole paura di non essere all'altezza. Da anni insegna in master clinici e organizzativi in Italia e all’estero.
Paolo Mordazzi
Paolo Mordazzi is a psychologist and psychotherapist, with a Master’s degree in communications and one in sport psychology from UCLA. He used to be responsible for the human resources management in various Italian companies. He does clinical, consultancy and coaching work, both for companies and in the sports environment, and is responsible for Strategic Therapies studies in Milan and Parma. Furthermore he is a consultant psychologist for all the major reality shows and a permanent guest of many of the Rai television programs.