![You won't have any other teeth A modern defense for your health](https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_0ab1c3a367fc4f89b2ac1aecb8c5c042/boutiqueprod_images//spree/images/attachments/1405032/product/8147a2193755cca7ee94c68344f00b314b6396.jpg?1713175593)
With the pandemic, many more people have learned to wash and disinfect their hands frequently. Studies and clinical experience have led Dr. Marisa Roncati to develop the RONCA protocol, which also includes cleansing of the eyes, nose, and mouth. The protocol is simple and effective, aimed at preventing virus and bacteria infections, especially in healthy individuals. It has no contraindications or side effects; instead, it helps improve oral hygiene control, with undisputed benefits for oral and overall health. Additionally, it is supported by a timeless, creative, and catchy piece: Ronca Beats, which will make it go viral. It's an easy and enjoyable read that dentists can recommend to patients so that through anecdotes, words of wisdom, and unique revelations, they can easily acquire oral hygiene norms and good practices to prevent diseases transmitted through respiratory droplets and saliva, and maintain strong and healthy teeth and gums. "You won't have any other teeth" explains to everyone, in clear words, that a healthy mouth impacts overall well-being.
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Marisa Roncati
Marisa Roncati, laureata in Lettere Classiche, Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria e Igiene Dentale, insegna all’European Master Degree on Laser Applications, all’Università La Sapienza di Roma e all’Università di Parma. Relatrice per Harvard School of Dental Medicine in corsi di aggiorna- mento internazionali. Ha pubblicato nel 2015 Terapia parodontale non chirurgica. Indicazioni, limiti e protocolli clinici con l’uso aggiuntivo di laser a diodo, tradotto in 6 lingue e anche un Dvd, in italiano e in inglese, sull’uso del laser a diodo.
Giangi Cappai
Giangi Cappai, ingegnere del suono, musicista e DJ producer di fama internazionale. Frequentatore abituale delle classifiche mondiali con le sue produzioni e quelle degli artisti con cui collabora. Già docente di produzione musicale, direttore di varie etichette musicali. Quando non è in tour, scrive mixa e produce nel suo personalissimo laboratorio del suono.